A great partnership is growing between AI and experts in fields that require skill, sensibility and experience. Left in the hands of experts, AI can help organizations achieve exceptional outputs and better results. That’s what we’ve discovered anyway.
We’re Batman.
As web developers, we use AI to help us work every day. For us, AI is usually an interesting starting point that gives us a head start in a thousand step process, or a thought to consider, or a red flag to take a look at, and maybe even, on occasion, give us some very, very, very usable material.
What two website developers have to say.
Logical Website Developer Jared Lasiter. uses AI to help him get things done faster, and better in a couple of ways. First up, code literacy. Lasiter notes, “Often times when we work with a new client or come across older code, AI is great in helping me decipher it. Saves a boat load of time.”
Lasiter also likes to use AI to stay sharp and learn something new. “There are so many ways to go about solving problems with code, it can sometimes be hard to know where to look first. AI is great at offering practical solutions to particular problems, and often shows me something to try out that I didn’t know before.”
Our Lead Developer adds in, “AI has been an amazing companion tool to help me understand code and functionalities that are new to me. It also helps me find solutions to new problems faster than a traditional search.”
After a brief pause, he cautioned, “You need to be careful with AI. From time to time, AI confidently offers up wrong information. That can waste a lot of time if you don’t have the background or knowledge to know the right or the wrong of it.”
There are many other reasons to let your expert developers collaborate with AI for quality, speed and greater efficiency instead of trying to let AI fly solo, or with an unskilled hand.
Here are a whole bunch more:
How do you say, “Mishigas” in Chinese, please?
Can AI be a universal translator? We think it can help. The key word here is help. Logical Project Manager Melinda O’Connor explains, “I’m regularly asked by a client to use ChatGPT to translate their web pages that they then run through their international internal team members to proofread before we post to their web pages. Saves so much time and money compared to working with translation companies.”
By the way, according to Microsoft’s AI System, Copilit, “In Chinese, “mishigas” can be translated as “胡闹” (pronounced hú nào), which also means “craziness” or “nonsense.” Another offered translation is “疯癫” (pronounced fēng diān), which conveys a similar idea of wild or eccentric behavior.” Sounds right to us. Though we can only really vouch for the translation of mishigas from Hebrew into English which AI did do correctly.
For sparks, and lightning strikes, AI alone does not compute.
Let’s add creativity and originality to the mix. AI excels at recognizing patterns and replicating them but still struggles with genuine creativity and unique design—the kind that can help make a website stand out in the right way. Without the right guidance, AI cannot succeed.
Ditto for crafting a user-friendly, intuitive design. Such experiences require empathy and an understanding of human behavior, which AI lacks. Without human collaboration, an AI User Experience (UX) is generally impersonal, and slightly off— which would make a website stand out in the wrong way.
Special orders don’t upset us, but they may cross circuits.
AI will also stumble with custom builds, or any kind of highly specific, personalized feature set where there may not be patterns to mimic or reuse. Come to think of it, in fact, AI needs human expertise with any kind of complex problem-solving situation.
Always factor in the human factor.
The bottom line is developers often face unforeseen challenges that require out-of- the-box thinking and nuanced judgment, which is something AI in unskilled hands should not. Another human quality that AI lacks is the ability to collaborate effectively with human clients—especially with human clients who don’t have any technical expertise in website development or user experience.
Using AI at the right time in the right ways, strengthens all iterative website development processes, allowing for a lot of back-and-forth communication between clients and team members, and helps facilitate productive leaps in consensus.
Consensus building is a people thing.
For another thing, human developers are more adaptable to shifts in project requirements and are better equipped to anticipate potential security vulnerabilities and implement solutions on-the-fly with the help of AI. This is essential to the iterative part of the website development process as well, where AI can certainly be of assistance in skilled hands.
In search of SEO.
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is another area that AI can help with, but certainly not lead an unpracticed person effectively alone. This is because SEO is a dynamic field requiring subtlety and a deep understanding of trends as well as algorithms—an area where AI is still catching up.
Testing, testing, 1, 2, 3.
Then there’s testing and analysis. You need skilled people for that. Crafting code, debugging and troubleshooting errors often requires a level of intuition and experience that AI doesn’t possess and cannot find a pattern to yet. Can it help? Sure. But that help will be detrimental if you don’t have a solid understanding of what you need already yourself.
Is there an error somewhere in here?
Logical Developer Lassiter notes, excitedly, “Gone are the days of going line by line, and character by character, only to find a typo or missing syntax somewhere in the code breaking everything. Now when you are confident the code should be working, but isn’t, you can ask AI to double check things and it accurately catches any small errors. It saves a lot of time when you are trying to figure out if your code is bad vs if your idea is bad.”
What’s our conclusion? Let AI help with looking things up, catching errors, translating, teaching basics, offering possible ideas or validating specifics, and leave the real website building —the intuitive leaps, the intuition, the imagination, the human touch, and vision—to us.
We are Batman.
What’s your conclusion? What kind of results are you looking to achieve with AI and your website? Let’s talk. Schedule a call with us today.